Crown Our Roots was specifically designed to uplift, encourage and assist with the release of fears that hold us back from becoming our greatest self.  There is so much greatness that God has put within us and created around us! Sometimes we can become so attached to the negativity within our circumstances not realizing that those circumstances were for growth and are temporary.  Leading us to miss the beauty that life is and can be.  We ALL were created special with our own divine mission to fulfill a greater purpose together.  That purpose starts with learning and loving self first!  You can not begin to love or give love to another if you have none within you for yourself.  Trying to love another without loving yourself is like pouring water on a seed from an empty cup...nothing can grow!  This does NOT mean to be selfish but become so filled with love that it is the only thing you know how to give out.  That's easier said than done and everyday will not be a good day…THAT  IS OKAY!!   The battles, test and/or obstacles that come your way will make it extremely difficult but you have everything internally and externally to become more than a conquer.  You just have to remember who you were designed to be!

Everyday affirmations,  journaling, meditation, therapy, PRAYER or a combination of it all can mend and heal our broken pieces.  It is possible to become whole and knowing that you are worth everything great that life offers!  I strongly believe that everyone is an extension to a powerful and great creator.   Just as our children have some of our qualities, it is the same with us and our creator.  Realizing that my life is actually MINE to achieve the desires of my heart and the brokenness of my past and enduring others can only affect me if  I allow it help me grow tremendously.   This change of mindset has pushed me into a power of balance, control and manifestation that  I never knew existed.  Although, I still have rough moments and days, trouble doesn’t last always.  I've realize to always be thankful for the lessons given no matter how big because the blessing after is even bigger.  For this reason, I felt the need to create and offer products that have helped me and continuously help me daily.  In hopes of helping others reach their own power of freedom and choice that God said belong to us from birth.  Our journey, path, pain and lessons may differ but our royalty is the same!  

Crown Our Roots offer products to assist with that journey of recognizing your inner god or goddess within (always lower case g cause no one is greater than the BIG G) and enlightenment!  If you find yourself on this journey knowing there is more to life than pain, depression or just dealing to get by allow me to extend my light and uphold my duty to be of services to you.  Find your light, turn it on and then become a catalyst of light and change for the betterment of the world as we all are here to be of service in some way! It's time for generational health and wealth because the generational curse era is OVER!  As our creator has given us grace, we must always remain humble and graceful in all that we do while manifesting love, abundance, prosperity and all things positive that the heart desires.  We are family working together from a place of  LOVE, a space of PEACE and a tongue of  POWER.  I hope that the love I put into creating and designing these products will transfer to your heart so that you truly know and learn how valuable you are as an individual to yourself, to me and to the world.

You are loved!!

You are appreciated!!

You are respected!!


I am THANKFUL whole heartedly for your business and your life!!!

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